Alahnia, 30 Weeks


Miracle Grandma Charity shares Alahnia's story:

This is the story of my granddaughter, and it’s just begun. My daughter who became pregnant at 15 last year had to become an adult very quickly. At week 30 she felt a decrease in movement and after a very fast C-section, beautiful LaLa was here. Little did we know just how tough she is. She was taken off intubation after around 24 hours and was hitting every milestone other than weight which she was losing but taking her meals well through tubal feeding. At week one she was sent for her scan, and it was discovered that she has a grade 4 bleed and hydrocephalus which is all too familiar because my nephew was diagnosed at one month. He’s flourished and despite a speech impediment done well. So here we are just waiting to see how every day will end and the next day will begin. We’re on day 11 now and she’s still fighting and has moved from unit 1 to unit 2. I’m hoping that this reaches someone who may find comfort in this and possibly offer some on those more difficult days.

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