Arae's Story, 35 Weeks

Miracle Mum, Indi-Anna shares Arae's story.

"At 30 weeks I went into my doctor to get a new script and he decided to check my blood pressure (BP) and urine. When the results came back he told me to immediately head to my birthing hospital to be monitored because he believed I had pre-eclampsia.

He was right.

I spent five weeks and two days in King Edward Memorial Hospital having regular monitoring, BP checks, blood thinners, steroids, antibiotics and one iron infusion; untill I was 35 weeks. Thats when they decided that my little one needed to come out because she wasn't getting any nutrients from the placenta.

The next day I was induced and the follwoing day they decided to break my waters. Within ten minutes I was having a lot of contractions and every time I did, my baby's BP would drop, so I had to have an emergency c-section.

My baby girl, Arae, was born and went straight to the NICU where she spent the next five weeks under lights for jaundice and learning how to feed.

Now she's a happy bubbly one year old."

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