Aubree's Story, 24 Weeks

Miracle Mum, Meghan shares Aubree's story.

"I presented to Campbelltown hospital in the height of COVID with some very minor blood in my discharge. I was 23+2 weeks pregnant.

When I was checked they discovered I was 4cm dilated, so I was taken to Liverpool hospital so we could be close to the NICU. I managed to hold on until 24+6, when Aubree was born screaming and was described as ‘feisty’ by the nurses.

We’re on day 75 of our NICU journey and throughout that time we’ve had many, many ups and downs. Aubree was transferred from Liverpool to Royal Women’s by NETS because of suspected necrotising enterocolitis (NEC). She ended up having a bowel obstruction - which the amazing surgeons removed.

Aubree, our little warrior is now 14 months old (10 months corrected)".

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