Chester, 30 Weeks

Miracle Mum Crystal shares Chester's story:

"After numerous rounds of ISCI/IVF we got our 2 perfect lines confirming our pregnancy. I had an amazing and easy pregnancy up until 27 weeks thats when things got intense as my waters broke.

I went to my local hospital and straight to birthing however my local hospital were not equipped to deliver a baby under 32 weeks. I was 1 cm dilated at this stage I was then transferred to Liverpool hospital and remained there for 3 more weeks. I started contracting 3 times in the 3 weeks after my waters broke and got to 5 cm dilated. Then on a Tuesday afternoon I started bleeding with a pulsating back pain every 3 mins. I was rushed to birthing after a pop of remaining waters.

3 mins later with 3 pushes our little 1560g Chester was born at 30 weeks.

The NICU were amazing and explained everything they were doing or needed to do. It was definitely a terrifying experience. Chester had a little bit of trouble breathing over the next 4 weeks but finally came off assistance and that enabled us to transfer back to our local hospital to be in the special care nursery.

2 weeks later we were able to take Chester home with a feeding tube still in but we were so proud of his progress and determined to strengthen his mouth muscles and 2 weeks after being home the tube was removed.

Now Chester is thriving and making us feel more love then we could of ever imagined. Chester really is our miracle baby."



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