Evelyn, 29 Weeks

Miracle mum Danni shares Evelyn's story:

I suffered from severe IUFGR which was discovered at my 20-week anatomy scan; also I had no measurable amniotic fluid in utero.

Evelyn was very unwell in my stomach and was hospitalised at 26 weeks. Every single day we had scans to check she was still alive and then determine whether that would be the day to give birth to her.

Exactly 29 weeks, Evelyn graced us with her tiny presence after an abnormal scan which showed signs of fetal distress for her.

Evelyn was delivered via emergency C-section within the hour and was whisked away to NICU where she spent 131 days growing, developing and getting stronger.

Evelyn still has a feeding tube today, but has defied the odds stacked against her each day she was born!

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