Genevieve, 28 Weeks

Miracle mum Jodie shares Genevieve's story:

My pregnancy wasn’t very smooth from the beginning. I’d had bleeds at 9 and 12 weeks and told I’d miscarried twice. At 20 weeks I had an emergency cerclage. The day before I was due to go back for a check-up, I had a gush of fluid at home. I went to my local hospital, and everything was fine, the amniotic fluid test was negative. I was sent home, and it happened again that night. I wasn’t overly concerned so I waited until the next day to return to Orange for my next check-up where the amniotic fluid test was positive. I was transferred to Nepean Hospital at 26 weeks pregnant where I spent 15 days in hospital due to infection risk from cerclage and PPRM. On 4 October 2023, our little girl Genevieve was born, at 28+1, weighing 1046g. She went to the NICU where she spent a total of 2.5 months, she had some setbacks but was eventually transferred back closer to home to Bathurst at the beginning of December. After 93 days in hospital, we were discharged home on 5 January 2024. The staff are not just staff, they are angels, they become a shoulder to lean on, especially if you are 3 hours away from home by yourself. My husband travelled every weekend down to see us in Nepean and we couldn’t have done it without everyone helping us feed our animals, provide meals and a good old phone call and visit. We are forever grateful for the care they provided for our little miracle.


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