Gracie, 29 Weeks

Miracle mum Jade shares Gracie's story:

Having my son at 28 weeks in 2011 when I was just 21 was so hard that it took me 12 years to even consider having another baby, I fell pregnant and was convinced I was having another baby boy. Only to find out I was having a little girl, I was so happy and thought that maybe this time my whole experience would be 'normal'
At 16 weeks, I had an ultrasound and it was flagged that I had decreased blood flow.
I was then travelling to Canberra once a week for monitoring and ultrasounds.
I was admitted when I was 28 weeks exactly, due to the baby's size and blood flow.
I stayed for 2 days and then discharged.
Back the next week for another ultrasound and the doctor came in and said he wanted to admit me and start the steroid injections I also had a magnesium drip and 48 hours later I had an emergency cesarean and welcomed my baby into this world. She had a lot of feeding issues, a blood transfusion and a few other little issues, but I think we are incredibly lucky that she was so strong.
She was in the NICU/SCN for just over 2 months.
I stayed in the Ronald McDonald House within the hospital, so I didn't have to leave her. And my son and family could come and see me and stay with me for the night also.
Gracie is doing so incredibly well now and I am very grateful for all the support care and love we were shown.
My experience this time was still traumatic but made so much more special by the nurses and doctors and the women at Ronald McDonald House.

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