Hunter, 25 Weeks

Miracle Mum Angela shares Hunter's story:

What started out as a smoothly pregnancy, took a turn at 20 weeks when we were told Hunter had Sever IUGR and abnormal dopplers (Absent end diastolic flow). We were transferred to the MFM Gold team at King Edwards Memorial Hospital, where we spent the next month doing weekly, then daily scans watching the blood flow to our baby get weaker and weaker. We made it to 25+5 when the flow reversed, and they said we needed to get him out immediately. His last estimated weight from the scans was 388g, so we were told to prepare for the worst. Hunter James was born 3 hours later via emergency C Section, weighing a surprising 560g and he even cried when he was born. Intubated immediately he spent the next month on a JET ventilator, and the following 4 months on various other breathing support (CPAP, HI Flo, Low Flow) before finally being taken off oxygen support all together after 144 days, just a week shy of his discharge at 5 months old.

During our time in the NICU Hunter fought a lot of battles associated with his prematurity - Pulmonary Haemorrhage, Pulmonary Hypertension, Chronic Lung Disease (BPD), a PDA, Anaemia requiring 8 blood transfusions in a 10 week period, Hypernatremia, severe Hypercapnia on 2 occasions, Tachycardia with intermittent tachypnea, Jaundice, bilateral ROP Stage 2 Zone 1, and surgery prior to discharge for Bilateral inguinal hernia and undescended testes.

Now, almost 12 months on and our little fighter weighs 6kg, over 10 times his birth weight, and he’s the happiest little guy. Hunter brightens a room with his smile and constant laughter - for a little boy who had a lot to overcome to be here, he’s taken it all in his stride and is thriving. Every day is a blessing with him in our lives, and we are so privileged to watch him grow into a happy and clever little boy.

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