Kaitlyn's Story, 34 Weeks

Miracle Mum, Melissa was forced to give birth earlier than planned after she received a phone call that changed her life.

"I was having a very normal pregnancy, everything was going perfect then at 28 weeks I discovered a lump in my right breast, I ignored it at first but eventually got it checked. First scans showed it was nothing but doctor wasn't convinced and referred me to a specialist. As I was pregnant I was able to get in the next day. The surgeon said he believed it was a lactating adenoma but to be sure sent me for a biopsy, luckily they took me straight in.

A week later, as this was over Easter, I received the phone call that changed our lives. I had breast cancer. The next 3 weeks were an absolute blur, meetings with my surgeon, my oncologist and obstetrician while I was worrying about my baby, trying to convince the doctors to let me get to 34 weeks. Thankfully they did, and at 34+3 my husband and I arrived at the hospital. The baby was breech so they turned her and once we knew that had worked I was induced.

I was 34+5 when my midwife came in and told me I hadn't progressed enough and I needed to have an emergency c-section. At 6:25am we heard our daughter cry for the first time and we named her Kaitlyn. I remember looking at her and thinking she looked so much bigger than I had expected. My husband went with her to Special Care and I was taken to recovery. I was taken in to see her on the way to the maternity ward and didn't see her again until nearly 24 hours later.

Kaitlyn was off CPAP after 2 days, had phototherapy for 24 hours for jaundice and moved to a cot after 4 days, she came home after 12 days. She is a fighter and our inspiration.

Kaitlyn will be 3 in May and is doing amazingly - people would never guess she was forced to come into the world early.

As for the breast cancer, I went through chemotherapy, surgery and radiation and finished treatment in August 2018. All of my scans are now clear."

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