Lennox, 30 Weeks


Miracle Mum Kathleen shares Lennox's story:

After a smooth start to pregnancy, I was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia at 27 weeks following intense swelling of my hands, feet, ankles and face. This resulted in blood and urine tests every couple of days, as well as additional scans. At 30+1 they found that Lennox had become growth-restricted and administered cortisone in anticipation of his early arrival. On the morning of 30+3 I noticed he was moving a lot less, and despite a scheduled scan/check up that afternoon, I took myself in earlier and a CTG showed that he was in distress. I was admitted to hospital and within 30 minutes of my arrival, was being wheeled into theatre for an emergency c-section as Lennox's heart rate was dropping to around 70BPM. Thankfully he arrived safely and was admitted to the NICU at the Royal Women's Hospital in Melbourne. We were very fortunate that Lennox only spent one week in the NICU before being transferred to the Special Care Nursery at Frances Perry House. With only a few minor hiccups along the way, we were able to take Lennox home at 36+4. He is now 7 months old (almost 5 months corrected) and a super happy, relaxed little bubba. He has recently begun rolling over and will be starting solids very soon. We feel incredibly lucky to have him after everything we've been through.

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