Milla, 26 Weeks

Miracle Mum Emily shares Milla's story:

Milla was born early due to a complicated pregnancy including maternal HELLP syndrome, reversed flow incord/uteroplacental insufficiency, and extreme growth restriction. She was born at 26+1 weeks gestation, weighing 497 grams. At birth Milla was provided with supplementary oxygen with APGAR scores of three at one minute, six at five minutes, and seven at 10- minutes. Once stable she was transferred to the NPICU for management of prematurity and associated issues. Milla's perinatal course was complicated by chronic lung disease with cystic changes, respiratory distress syndrome, and a pulmonary hemorrhage, requiring a period of intubation and medical intervention for ventilator-associated pneumonia. She was found to have a large patent ductus arteriosus that resolved with medical intervention and bilateral stage I retinopathy of prematurity. She was additionally treated for anaemia, jaundice, hyponatremia, metabolic bone disease of prematurity, sepsis, and osteopenia of prematurity. Her cranial ultrasounds were unremarkable, and she passed her hearing checks. Milla remained in the NICU for 109 days before transferring home with her parents. She has not had any further hospitalisations.

Milla's middle name Mikelle was chosen as the meaning behind it was very special to us (Meaning a gift from god-miracle)

Milla is now 3 years of age and doing amazing! Other than a mild global development delay in speech and cognitive learning and continued slow growth she is smashing life and goals!

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