Miracle Babies Foundation - Impact

Every year in Australia around 48,000 newborn babies require the help of a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) or Special Care Nursery (SCN).
27,000 of these babies are born premature and up to 1,000 babies lose their fight for life.

For families, the experience of having a baby come into the world not as expected or planned is life changing. Without support, this overwhelming and traumatic experience can have lifelong effects on the emotional wellbeing of these miracle families.


Around 15% of all babies born require specialised medical care  

These babies can face lifelong challenges (disabilities, developmental and social challenges) 

Parents at increased risk of mental illness (2.5 times for Post-Natal Depression*) 

Without parent support, babies are at risk at failing to thrive (more than 31,500 babies at risk each year).  

Most families aren’t accessing the right support early enough which could prevent significant mental health or other challenges  

Lack of access to this early intervention, peer support and preventative support has implications for health and education systems and the health and well-being of the family unit.


20 dedicated staff plus 90+ volunteers  

Almost decades of experience 

State-based Support Teams with relevant, diverse personal experiences covering major states - NSW, WA, VIC, QLD, SA & NT 

Strong connections to Australian and global partner/affiliate organisations 

Close partnerships with NICU/SCN teams, researchers, allied health and medical professionals  

Comprehensive systems and processes for national service delivery  

20+ partnering hospitals to deliver NurtureTime (in-hospital peer support) 

Commitment to delivering NurtureGroups (free play and support groups) to 20 communities nationally  

24/7 support via NurtureLine Family Support Line 

Specialised resources to 60+ hospitals for every stage of a family’s journey and for special occasions 

Comprehensive evidence-based online information hub to empower parents and children  

Advocate for important change in other health, economic and social areas that improve overall family outcomes  


Increase in knowledge and understanding relating to their own child’s health and wellbeing, along with their own 

Confident, healthy parents who are able to be the best advocates for their child 

Stronger, more bonded family units  

Lifelong friendships and support networks 

Improvement in clinical outcomes for babies born premature and sick 

Increase in early intervention and additional support for child health and development = positive impact on Health and Education systems 

Educated, empowered parents and children able to make informed decisions for their child’s health and overall wellbeing 

More socially connected families and children become active contributors to society 

Reduction in parental mental illness

Thriving children who have the support and tools to reach their full potential 


Read more about our Impact including the findings from AN independent study conducted by The Impact Institute (2021)

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