Olivia's Story, 34 Weeks

Miracle Mum, Ashlee suffered through severe nausea and vomiting during her pregnancy. She shares the story of how it threatened to bring her baby into the world much earlier than planned. 

"For me, pregnancy didn't go well with my body. When I found out I was pregnant I was scared as I had trauma from my previous pregnancy after suffering badly from hyperemesis gravidarum (severe nausea and vomiting).

This time things took turns in all sorts of directions. I was admitted to hospital for days at a time. Hyperemesis gravidarum took a big toll on my body and I lost all my weight.

I ended up in the emergency department one last time before being transferred to a better hospital with a NICU on stand by for me to have bubba taken out at 27 weeks due to her very small size and the placenta not working well.

However, luckily we were eventually allowed to go back home for Christmas. The doctors were worried about me needing to travel for 3 hours each week for scans to keep an eye on bub. Butt it was essential to make sure the placenta was still working well enough for bub to stay in.

By the time I had reached 34 weeks Miss Olivia decided she no longer wanted to be inside and made her way into the world weighing a tiny 1460g. Happily, she didn't need to be transferred and from then on she had a really good run.

She's now a tiny but perfectly happy baby."

Thank you Ashlee for sharing your story of bringing Olivia into the world.

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