Rylan, 29 Weeks

Miracle Mum Tahlia shares Rylan's story:

"We had our first baby girl who was born premature at 22 weeks and unfortunately soon passed away after she was born due to being diagnosed with Incompetent Cervix. I was also diagnosed with having a Septate uterus so we knew it was not going to be easy in the future!

Four years later, we delivered a baby girl, also born premature at 3 weeks. She weighed 2.2kg at birth, so this gave us hope for our future and growing our family.

This year, in November of 2022 we had reached 29 weeks before our first baby born was born. I had had a cervical stitch in place, but my body was not able to hold off any more and Rylan was born via emergency caesearian. Hearing him cry so loug and strong, we knew he was going to be a fighter. Rylan was born weighing 1460 grams and measured 36.6cm in length. He has been a real trooper. 

Although we all have our ups and downs, premature babies do too, but they get back on top and that is exactly what he has done and he has done it amazingly too.

We can't wait for the day we get told we can take him home, hopefully that is before Christmas!"


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