Miracle Babies Foundation achieved 19,929 support interactions, through our NurtureProgram Services and Resources

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Having a baby born premature or sick can have lifelong impacts on the entire family unit, with parents at increased risk of post-natal depression, anxiety and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).

Through an independent study conducted by the Impact Institute, the benefits of peer support programs, just like the Miracle Babies Foundation NurtureProgram were evident, further solidifying the need for programs like this within hospitals and within the community for vulnerable groups.

During 2023, Miracle Babies Foundation was able to reach a total of 19,929 support interactions, through face-to-face support, our 24-hour family support line and via resources.
This included:

💠More than 2,900 hours of support with parents via face-to-face services alone (NurtureTime and NurtureGroup), and;

💠12,566 resource packs were provided to families with a baby in specialised care and during their transition home, of these 162 Memory Boxes were provided to families sadly grieving the loss of their newborn.

💠More than 28,000 monthly website views for support, Education and Information through our website including our Nurture E Information Hub.

Every year in Australia, 48,000 babies are born premature or sick and sadly, up to 1,000 of these babies will lose their fight for life. Babies can go on to face lifelong challenges including disabilities, developmental delays and behavioural challenges. It is crucial that parents have the right support as research proves that children of parents with poor emotional health are less likely to thrive.

In 2023, 19,929 support interactions were achieved via services & resources, which is;

2 in 5 families were supported nationally by Miracle Babies through services and resources.

Would you like to help?

It costs $143 to provide full support to one family throughout their hospital journey. Help us reach more families with vital, emotional support and resources during their NICU or Special Care stay with a premature or critically ill newborn.

Make a one-off donation or join our Mission for Miracles program by becoming a regular giver. Just $10 each week will make a huge difference.