Zane, 25 Weeks

Miracle mum Saloni shares Zane's story:

After 3 back-to-back miscarriages in the first trimester, I finally entered my second trimester with the fourth pregnancy. Fears started disappearing a little bit since all the ultrasounds and doctor’s appointments were going great. I was enjoying the pregnancy, buying baby clothes, growing my baby bump. We did a gender reveal and found out that we are having a boy. My 20th-week ultrasound was great, the baby measuring ahead, the cervix was long and all the things perfect with the baby’s growth. One morning, when I was 24 weeks 6 days pregnant, I started feeling some pain in my abdomen. Since it was the first pregnancy, I had no clue it was contractions. The day went by, and in the night, I started experiencing more pain and UTI symptoms. The next morning, we rushed to the hospital and I started bleeding a little bit as well. I was sent to get the ultrasound and the sonographer broke the news that my cervix started dilating. I was rushed to Westmead hospital and on 25 weeks 1 day I delivered baby Zane due to risk of infection due to water break. He was just 863gms.

Zane spent a total of 123 days in NICU. He was born with a large PDA for which he went for a surgery just at 2.5 weeks of age. He was also on the ventilator for initially 3 days and then later on as well for a week when he decided to stop breathing. He had three code blue alarms for him as well. He got seriously ill when he was 5 weeks old, requiring 100% oxygen on the highest ventilator settings without any improvements. Somehow with steroids after few days, a miracle happened, and he started getting better and better. He was given two rounds of steroids, first one to get out of ventilator and second one to get out of CPAP.
He had Stage 2 ROP which was resolved by the time we left NICU.
He had Stage 1 brain bleed which was also resolved after few weeks of NICU. He was diagnosed with Neonatal Chronic lung disease and was on CPAP, high flow and then low flow. Zane was discharged for the hospital on low flow 125ml of oxygen and remained on it 5 weeks after discharge. He was eventually moved to the oxygen only while sleep and was oxygen-free 2 months after discharge.

Zane is 6.5 months corrected and 10 months actual now and with no issues.


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