Paula Ward

NurtureProgram Support Worker, Western Sydney NSW

Paula is a proud mum to her twins who were born at 30 weeks gestation.

"I was diagnosed with endometriosis at the age of 19. After laparoscopic surgery at 24 I was told I should try and have children now. I was extremely lucky to fall pregnant with twins 6 months later. I went into labour at 30 weeks. There wasn’t enough humidicrib’s at Liverpool hospital at the time so we had to get transported to RPA. Liliola and Elanor were born and they spent 6 weeks at RPA and then another 3 weeks at Liverpool. I feel extremely lucky that both girls are healthy teenagers now with an amazing future in front of them".

Paula joined Miracle Babies after the experience of having premature twins and supports families through our NurtureProgram services. She is very happy to be able to support families who are in the same position she was in.