Agrata's Story, 26 Weeks

Miracle Mum Anjana shares Agrata's story

“A December afternoon, when I decided to skip my work Christmas party for a doctor’s appointment, little did I know my life was going to change forever.

After finishing the regular check-up, the doctor remembered to check my blood pressure as I was about to leave the clinic. It was out of the scale somewhere above 200/150+. As I was immediately rushed for the ICU, no one could have looked at me and known my body had become a walking time bomb that could explode at any time, killing my daughter and me. At 26 weeks, I had suffered from preeclampsia.

The night before the surgery, I had a medical overdose that affected my bodily sensations. I couldn’t feel the baby or my lower body. I almost gave up that night and told my husband I was leaving him and our son and taking our unborn child with me.

Yes, I was staying longer than what is usually expected, but my little girl had an unbelievable journey ahead of her. As I recall seeing every specialist the hospitals could offer me over the next few days, I remember saying, “I cannot process any information anymore. Please do me a favour and just save my girl.” The team couldn't operate because my blood pressure wouldn’t reduce, so I was put on an ice diet (that felt like someone had stuffed cotton wools in my mouth for days).

Finally, on the late afternoon of December 12th 2009, my girl was born weighing 565 grams. Unlike many new mums and my own experience with my son, there was no time to hug my newly born child. She was cling wrapped and immediately rushed to the NICU where she stayed for exactly 100 days.

The next morning after the delivery, I was taken to NICU for my first visit, and all I remember was looking at her beautiful eyes. Soon my body exploded. As I was touching her from outside the incubator I started bleeding profusely. Straightaway, I was wheeled back to ICU. The trauma response was real. Her skin was transparent, her head was bigger than her half disproportionate body protruding at the back. She looked nothing like a human baby. My brain and body couldn't cope this time. That night I suffered from eclampsia.

The ordeal of the next 24 hours was probably the toughest battle I would ever fight in my life. But, this time I was purposeful. My children needed their mum, and my heart was filled with unflinching determination that my girl would make it, and she needed me. Receiving endless hospital bills, accepting each day as it comes, dreading phone calls from the hospital, locking myself in my bedroom to cope before appearing normal and strong, uncountable scans and medical examinations for months….everything soon became a normal routine.

Fast forward 100 days, she came home to where she belongs.

In December 2021 she turned 12, and this year she is ready for high school!

This life experience strengthened my faith in humanity, improved my respect for medical professionals and gave me friends I call family to this date.

A girl who doctors thought may not have healthy hair has hair below her waist.

A girl who was predicted to have above 45% chance of disability has none, so far (fingers crossed).

A girl who was predicted to be in a wheelchair is learning to become a professional Bharatanatyam dancer!

She is Agrata - one who takes initiative, a leader!”.

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