Audio Visual Consent Form

Thank you for helping us raise awareness! 

By filling out the Audio Visual Consent form, you are agreeing to be videotaped, audio recorded and/or photographed during the attendance of a Miracle Babies Foundation event, NurtureProgram Service or promotion.

I understand and agree to the video, audio recording or photographs being taken will be used for Miracle Babies Foundation website, promotional and informational brochures, posters, videos, print and social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn.

Note that videos may also be used for TV for Community Awareness purposes.

Any questions? Call our Head Office Team on 02 9724 8999.

Confirmation Content


Audio Visual Consent Form

Yes, just myself
Yes, myself and/or my partner and children
Please note that video footage may also be used for TV for Community Awareness purposes.

Confirmation Content