Charlie, 35 Weeks

Miracle Mum Nicole shares Charlie's story:

"My emergency c-section all began from reduced movement. My baby was always a big mover then one night I noticed his usual patterns were very quiet. I may have felt a tiny nudge here or there which made me feel he was ok. I went to bed and woke up at 4am in a panic to check him but my mind and heart just said I’m sure he is fine. I went back to sleep and in the morning, I thought something wasn’t right.

I called my midwife as I was on case load through the public hospital. She said to come in right away. In your mind you always think surely nothing would be wrong. I really thought I’d go in and come right home. My midwife connected me to all the monitors, I still had no movement.

Before I knew it there was an OB coming to do a bedside ultrasound and then a second OB joined her. I knew from this point something wasn’t right. They showed me the ultrasound screen and showed me Charlie not moving we could see his hands and feet and no twitching at all. They then said ok call your husband we are going to have this baby today!

The shock that took over my body was horrific I was uncomfortably shaking and could barely talk. Within 30 minutes, Charlie Morrie Attard was born at 2.1kgs, he had a true knot in his umbilical cord and the cord wrapped around his neck.

He had lost some oxygen but he was alive and ok. He was underweight and needed some help breathing.

Charlie went straight to the nicu where he received the most amazing care. The doctors had told me and my husband how lucky we were any moment longer we wouldn’t know what state Charlie would have been in. 2 weeks later Charlie came home strong and healthy. Please all mummas always keep an eye on your baby’s movements. We thank all the team and my midwife at Nepean public hospital for there amazing care.."


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