NEW Parent Information for ‘The Early Years’ launches on Nurture E Hub

As part of the partnership with Miracle Babies, Chiesi will support the expansion of the Nurture E Information Hub, with the development of The Early Years and Preschool Years sections.

Miracle Babies Foundation Nurture E Information Hub, is designed to assist you and your family through different life stages of your pregnancy, time in hospital, discharge home, The early years, preschool years, primary school, high school and adulthood.  Babies born premature, small for their gestational age or babies that have had complications that lead to their NICU/SCN stay run a higher risk of challenges, therefore it's important to watch your child's progress through their different life stages.

Nurture 'E' - The EEE Impact has been created in collaboration with parents and health professionals to provide you with Evidence, Education and Empowerment. ​

The information hub was launched in 2020 and won a global award in 2023. It is free to access and aims to empower families with vital information to advocate for themselves and their children, to improve confidence and provides reassurance, leading to better overall outcomes in the long-term.

We are excited to launch the new section of the information hub – THE EARLY YEARS which will cover critical and valuable information to guide parents through the important early developmental years.

The first stage of The Early Years area will cover information including Going home, safe sleeping, diet and nutrition, Sensory Processing Disorder, Respiratory Conditions and more.

Over the coming year, The Early Years section will continue to grow to include Long Term Conditions, Parental Mental Health, Genetic Conditions, Rare Conditions, and Infant Mental Health.

Every year in Australia, around ​48,000 babies ​are born requiring specialised medical care due to prematurity or sickness at birth. For these families, the impacts on their child’s health and development along with their own mental health can be lifelong.

Chiesi’s support will be valuable in enhancing the lives of families impacted by the experience of their baby being born premature or sick, we thank Chiesi for this wonderful support.

The early Years