Jacob's Story, 29 Weeks

Miracle Mum, Kathy shares Jacob’s story.

"On New Year's Eve, I was 28 weeks pregnant and diagnosed with pre-eclampsia.

I was flown from Mackay to Townsville where my blood pressure got worse and caused my pre-eclampsia to develop into HELLP Syndrome.

In January at 29 weeks and 3 days our IVF baby boy was born via emergency c-section leaving me a few short hours to live spare. After his birth I was on the mend before being on the verge of a stroke. Jacob was doing amazing each day, he was never on a ventilator but went directly on CPAP in NICU.

On my 24th birthday, after nearly one month at Townsville we were discharged and went back to Mackay. Jacob spent 2 months in special care, and took the nurses and doctors by surprise with his strength.

He had/has fluid around the front of his brain but not enough for too much concern. He is now a happy healthy 6.640kg at the last weigh in and on a low dose of oxygen.

Jacob is hitting his milestones and still surprising the doctors at his check ups with his strength and abilities".

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