Natalis to support 100 grieving families, in honour of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day

Every year in Australia approximately 48,000 babies are born requiring the help of a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit or Special Care Nursery. Of the 48,000 requiring specialised care, up to 1,000 of these precious babies will sadly lose their fight for life. 

Peyton was born at 30 weeks, weighing 1420 grams. Peyton finally went home after spending 6 weeks in the NICU. Some families may spend months in the NICU or Special Care Nursery, and for others they face the heartbreaking reality that they will never bring their baby home. A reality that no parent should ever have to face.

"Peyton was my first child and she was born at 30 weeks. Becoming a first-time parent was scary enough, but to have your baby arrive 10 weeks premature was a very scary experience.

While I was in hospital pregnant Peyton’s heart rate kept dropping and I was thinking of the worst possible scenario - I was scared for her life. Peyton’s heart rate would then pick back up.” – Megan, mum to Peyton. Read more.

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day is an annual day of remembrance for pregnancy loss and infant death, held on October 15th each year.

Sadly, “prematurity is the number one cause of death for children in Australia.” - Dr. Robert Guaran, Executive Medical Advisor in Neonatology.

During the days, weeks, months, and years following the death of a baby, parents may find comfort in the memorable moments and experiences had with their baby, and the keepsakes received around the time of their birth.

These memories will play a vital role in dealing with grief and can often become the greatest comfort. Lifelong memories can be created in different ways, and the precious time had together should be about doing what feels right for the family.

To provide solace and support to these families, Miracle Babies Foundation provides special Memory Boxes, provided often via the hospital. Within the Memory Boxes is:

  • A No-mess, Clean Touch Footprinter Ink Pad
  • Two identical matching memory blanket and pillow sets - allowing the family to wrap their baby in one set and keep the identical set in the memory box provided
  • Three Miracle Babies Foundation heart lapel pins - one for baby and one for each of the parents
  • White organza bags to hold a lock of hair or other tokens of remembrance

In honour of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day, to support families as they grieve, Natalis (Australia’s new pregnancy multivitamin brand) is generously funding Memory Boxes for 100 grieving families. 

Thank you to Natalis for the wonderful support. Read more about Natalis’ support down the page.

Advice for friends or family of a grieving parent:

  • Know that there is no remedy for this situation. There are no words that can take away our pain. 
  • Be careful about offering platitudes. It is of little use to us if you chalk this tragedy up as "God's Will" or "Not meant to be." This is not helpful. In crisis, we often try to rationalize. We do this in attempt to bring order to this often messy and confusing world. Rationalizing a baby's death does not ease the pain. Often well-meaning friends and family think that they can ease our pain by offering platitudes. The parent will often interpret these comments as cold and unsympathetic, belittling their grief and discrediting the child's life.
  • Encourage the friend or family member that you are supporting to be open and honest with their needs. It is often hard to speak up and say what it is exactly that you need, especially when you are so vulnerable. Maybe they need physical help like meals, house cleaning or someone to take the kids for the afternoon. Maybe they need some emotional support. Maybe they need to be left alone for a while or maybe they need to just cry.

 About Natalis and Miracle Babies Foundation’s Partnership

Launching just this year, in August 2020, Natalis, Australia’s new pregnancy multivitamin brand, has partnered with Miracle Babies Foundation to achieve better, healthier outcomes for newborns and their families. With a commitment to making a positive difference to women, newborns and also to the wider community, Natalis has generously provided funding for 100 Memory Boxes.

Natalis will also:

  • Support the vital NurtureProgram including NurtureLine (24 Hour Family Support Line), NurtureTime (in hospital support) and NurtureGroups (after discharge play and support groups).
  • Support families in hospital via resources which provide information and tools to help families cope through the challenging experience of having a baby in NICU or Special Care, and;
  • Assist in further educating pregnant women and new mothers, building confidence and improving the long-term outcomes for newborns.


*Always read the label. Follow the directions for use (Natalis Pregnancy).

Amber Webb, graciously reproduced with permission from CLIMB, the Centre for Loss in Multiple Birth, Inc. © 2003: More information on bereavement.