Patrick's Story, 35 Weeks

Miracle Mum, Kristy shares her son Patrick's story.

"I was heart broken with the thought I would never become a mother to my own children. I had just suffered my 8th miscarriage and I was done. I physically and mentally couldn't do it any more. After 10 years together my partner and I decided to get married when I found out I was pregnant again. By this stage I had learnt how to keep a pregnancy a secret.

We made it to the 12th week with a strong heart beat, then 15 weeks, and then 20 weeks. It was all starting to feel real and we told family members. All was going great even though I was under high risk watch. Then at 32 weeks, something just didn't feel right. I went for my weekly doctors visit and I was immediately sent for a scan. That's when things got scary. I soon learnt my little rainbow baby had stopped growing at 26 weeks.

I was taken to Maitland hospital and I was put on strict bed rest. At 35 weeks my daily check-ups showed baby had no movement. To say I was scared is an understatement. I was rushed in for an emergency c-section.

Baby Patrick was born with severe IUGR and only weighing 1100grams - but he was breathing on his own. However, our journey was only starting.

On day two he took a turn after being resuscitated twice and we were rushed to a bigger hospital - John Hunter, Newcastle. It was hard watching our boy be poked and prodded. The apnea's and machines going off is also very taunting. I was fortunate to get a room with Ronald McDonald house, which was my saviour and my safe spot. It meant I could spend each day with my baby in NICU.

After three months we brought our fighter Patrick home.

We were invited to attend Miracle Babies NurtureGroup at Maitland each fortnight. It brought me out of the hole I felt I was in. Sharing experiences with other mums who have been through the same journey - I knew then, I was not alone.
Patrick is now 11-years-old and an old caring soul. Patrick is also a big brother to a younger sister and I feel very blessed to be a mother through this whole journey."

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