Violet and Lily, 31 Weeks

Miracle Mum Maddi shares Violet & Lily's story:

We found out a week before Christmas 2022 that we were pregnant, after almost 2 years of trying to fall pregnant. We were beyond excited, which doubled in early January when at our dating scan we discovered we were expecting DCDA twins. There are no twins in either of our families so twins were not even on our radar.

I had a rather eventful pregnancy with hyperemesis gravidarum (losing 10kgs in my first trimester), being in a car accident where I was hit from behind at 12 weeks and contracting COVID for the first time at 24 weeks.

At 31+1 I had noticed reduced movements so spent the evening in the antenatal assessment unit and was discharged with a referral to get an ultrasound at 31+3 to check on the babies. Attended the ultrasound and noted that both babies were head down and my fluid levels were a little on the lower side. 9 pm that night, my waters broke, so my husband and I made the trip back to the antenatal assessment unit. During that car trip, I started having early labour contractions, and at the assessment unit, it was confirmed that I was in labour. Campbelltown Hospital however was not equipped for the care of babies born less than 32 weeks.

2 hours after presenting to Campbelltown Hospital, I was loaded into an ambulance with my husband, 2 midwives and 2 paramedics and raced (170+km/h under lights and sirens) to the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Camperdown, with contractions 3 mins apart.

I was booked into Royal Prince Alfred and 4 hours later, after some gas for pain relief and then an epidural, I gave birth to Violet at 6:28 am head first, and then 12 mins later at 6:40 am to Lily who was an assisted footling breech delivery.

Both girls had amazing APGAR scores, but due to their prematurity (31+4) were rushed straight to the NICU for checks and for oxygen. Violet was also born with her left foot under her left armpit. I also had a postpartum haemorrhage which left me in an operating theatre and unable to meet my girls until 4 pm that afternoon.

They were in NICU for 12 days and then transferred to Special Care at RPA for another 16 days before they were transferred back to Special Care at Campbelltown Hospital. All up they were in hospital for 52 days.

Now, they are 7 months old and there are no major lingering issues due to their prematurity aside from their size. We are just growing out of 000 clothing, but the girls are rolling, commando crawling and are ready to take on the world.

I can promise you, that those 52 days felt like the longest 52 days in the world, but thanks to the amazing teams at both RPA and Campbelltown, our girls are happy, healthy and safe. Be kind to yourself while your babies are in there, it's such a tough time and being kind and giving yourself grace is critical to surviving.

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