Vhairi Todd

Consumer Representative

With a background as a paediatric dietitian, and experience working in various clinical settings, including NICU, the premature birth of Vhairi’s first daughter at 31+2 weeks following preterm premature rupture of membranes, was a world familiar clinically but not emotionally. Throughout the 6 ½ challenging weeks spent on NICU, numerous health complications such as a brain bleed, heart defects, jaundice, gut infection, reflux, growth issues and feeding problems were all encountered. However, whilst knowledge is power through clinical experience, when it comes to your child, sometimes ignorance may be bliss. Living within the space between clinician and new parent, attempting to understand and come to terms with what motherhood looks like to a premature child, whilst also suffering herself with postnatal depression and PTSD, this difficult but enlightening journey ultimately changed the trajectory of Vhairi’s clinical role, understanding and future.

Now a mum of 3, encountering further monitoring, premature birth and medical interventions, alongside a life-changing move from the UK to Australia, Vhairi has since completed a Master’s degree, with researched focused upon supporting parents within NICU, and is now a registered Creative Arts Therapist. Utilising previous clinical knowledge and through a trauma informed, strengths-based approach to her therapeutic work with children and their families, Vhairi draws on her own experiences to provide strength, support, resilience, and hope.

As a consumer representative, Vhairi aims to bring together her lived experience and clinical knowledge to help others navigate their own journeys of prematurity.